Get Your Dream Team!

Expert Staffing Solutions With a Focus on Commercial Construction, Energy, Light Industrial & Special Events

A blue and green background with an orange stripe.

Serving Construction Companies in Arizona

With over 25 years of experience in the staffing industry, Southwest Contractor Staffing is a trusted name in providing top-quality staffing solutions. We excel in serving major construction companies in Arizona and beyond, with recent expansions into California. Our expertise lies in commercial and residential construction staffing, with a specialized focus on green energy installations, including innovative solar power solutions.

Industry-Leading Staffing Services

At Southwest Contractor Staffing, we specialize in delivering unparalleled staffing and payroll services to the construction, green energy, solar power, manufacturing, and warehousing industries. Our commitment to excellence ensures that our clients receive tailored staffing solutions that perfectly align with their project requirements.

Diverse Candidate Pool

With a diverse and multilingual candidate pool exceeding 300 individuals, we pride ourselves on matching the right talent with the right projects. Our highly skilled tradespeople and laborers undergo comprehensive training and orientation, guaranteeing they meet the highest industry standards.

A man welding metal with an electric arc.

Industries We Serve

  • Construction
  • Energy
  • Solar Power
  • Manufacturing
  • Warehousing
  • Special Events

Your Trusted Partner in Building Success

Southwest Contractor Staffing is your dedicated partner in achieving project success. Whether you're embarking on a residential or commercial venture, or delving into green energy initiatives such as solar power installations, we have the expertise and resources to meet your staffing needs promptly and efficiently.

A blue speech bubble with headphones around it.

Get in Touch

Experience the difference with Southwest Contractor Staffing. Contact us today to discover how our innovative staffing solutions can propel your projects to new heights of success.